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The roof moved!

way high 20160616_173906 20160616_173833 20160616_173803 20160616_173424 20160616_173417 20160616_172721 20160616_172634 20160616_172620 20160616_172550 20160616_172444 20160616_172440 20160616_172416 20160616_172408

When the woman called she said they couldn’t get in and out of the door.  When I got there I saw the bees were so high up I told them I couldn’t help them.  The manager said I could ride up on the forklift to the roof and get them for there. My granddaughter and I went up. As soon as I stepped on the roof it started bucking and rolling just like a ship in rough seas. My granddaughter said “think happy thoughts grandpa.” I don’t like heights to put it lightly. I had to have my wife tell me where the bees were since I couldn’t see them. We made a good team. We left the nuc on the roof to be sure we got most of the bees and picked it up the next day.